Today is Simon’s actual birthday, although we celebrated on Saturday. We weren’t there for Simon’s birth. In fact, the day Simon was born we were out having Indian food to celebrate my birthday. Today I want to acknowledge and thank the woman who brought our boy into this world. The following are some things we know and don’t know about you, his birthmother…

We don’t know what you look like, but we do know that you are beautiful, just like your son.

We don’t know what your life is like, but we know you are extremely brave.

We don’t know why you weren’t able to raise this child, but we do know that you love him very much.

I can only imagine how strong you must have been to come to a hospital in labor and tell the nurses you intended to place your baby for adoption. To endure the pain of his birth and then leave the hospital 10 hours later. To freely give this gift without asking anything in return. Thank you for filling out a medical history. I know you must be thinking about him today and I wish I could call you and tell you that he’s okay. That he’s so loved and so happy. That he’s the brightest, sweetest and cutest boy I know. That you did such good work when you made him. And that you should be proud of the life you’ve given him.

Simon is the most precious gift I’ve ever been given, I will never be able to repay you. Just know that you are loved by Simon and by me. Here is our boy with his first birthday cake:

Big Boi

Thank you, Jane.