Some great news today. Ramona had an appointment with cardiology yesterday morning to be cleared for the G tube surgery. Here’s what happened…

~The doctor cleared her for surgery.
~We have permission to have Ramona off of her oxygen for “an hour or so” a day.
~She said Ramona was looking great (her sat was a beefy 87 and she weighed 15lbs 9oz)
~We will not need to go to her follow-up in two weeks, we will bring her back in six.
~Ramona did not have an echo, they will do it while she is under general anesthesia, giving them a much better look than when she’s awake.
~And finally, she recommended we do the cardiac catheterization (to check the size of her BPA’s) around the beginning of September instead of the end of November if everything goes well until then. She thought having her go in before RSV season starts would make the most sense. I’m assuming, though I didn’t ask, that if everything looked good she would have the surgery shortly thereafter.

So that leaves a less than four month wait to see how she’s progressing. Plus we’ll hopefully get a look at the flow during the echo and have some idea of her progress.

She also had her craniofacial consult yesterday. The doctor said she did have a “mild flattening” but that he thought it would largely resolve on it’s own. He also said if it was his daughter, he would just spend time playing with her and getting her stronger instead of going back and forth to more appointments. I added that Ramona’s style was already seriously cramped and she did not need a helmet added to the mix.

So that’s the scoop. Hopefully we will be able to schedule a consult with the elusive pediatric surgeon soon and have her G tube done in the next several weeks. I’m nervous about another surgery but now that we’ve decided it’s the best thing for Ramona, I’d like to get it done and get on with other things. Please pray that the surgeon will decide to see Ramona soon and put her procedure on the front burner.

And last but not least, I took Simon to the barbershop this morning to get his first professional haircut. He was so good. He sat still and let Barber Marty do his thing, eating a few Tings and asking if he could hold the scissors (“nah NAH? na NAH nah?”). Behold his new summer look. I love him. What a face.

Love, Jane.

