Wed 25 Apr 2007
Whoa Nellie
Posted by Jane under Updates
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So, Ramona does not need a G-tube, thank God. The ENT who spoke with our pediatriatricians, who are awesome and always take my calls right away, said that they recommend simple saline drops to try and soothe and heal whatever irritation is causing the bleeding. We will also switch the NG tube to her other nostril. That one gets the big “DUH”. It just never occurred to me, but I’m sure will make a big difference. We will also set a humidifier up in her room.
I like this trend. A pediatrician at one time suggested Ramona wear a hat to boost her weight gain and it turned out what she really needed was open heart surgery. This morning I thought she might need a G-tube and it turns out she just needed some saline drops. Maybe, when it comes time for her cardiac cath, instead of surgery they’ll just guesstimate and then give her a sticker that says “Be Nice To Me, I Just Had Surgery”.
Ramona has been a lot of fun these past few days (except for the vomitting of blood). She’s been smiling, cooing and immitating some of our sounds. She’s grabbing at things and actually complaining when she’s lying down for too long, she wants us to help her sit up! And she’s getting so chubby that all this gook is starting to collect in her neck creases. It’s so inaccessible that it actually has to be flossed, not wiped out. And it smells like cheese, prompting me to call her Romano Ramona.
We’re stressed over here. It seems like every time we take a deep breath and say, “Things are getting a little better!”, some other super-stressful thing happens. But we are getting by day by day. Tomorrow Ramona will be 5 months old. It feels like just yesterday we were at the hospital hearing bad news after bad news. These days, most of our news is good, and for that I’m thankful. Here she is, looking totally peaceful and unaware of the way she’s rocking our world.
Thanks for your prayers, sorry to raise the red alert for a yellow alert matter,
Wow. I’m so glad she’s OK and no G tube is great news! What a great picture.
I can see it’s been a busy and stressful couple of days. I’m on groceries yesterday/today, so let me know what you need. I could go tomorrow or Fri. if that works better for you–just let me know(
I’m hoping for a peaceful, uneventful rest of the week!
Woo hoo! I just couldn’t believe it could be so bad when she was so smiley when I saw her yesterday. Sure it was denial on my part rather than any actual hard evidence that all was well, but I’m going with it!
It was more of an Orange Alert.
Don’t aplogize for the Red, Orange or Yellow alerts. We are here praying for you. Praise God for small miracles.
A Rose
Good golly…send up the alerts any old time, people…seriously! Spread that around and we’ll spread prayer over it and go from there.
Love you guys!
Sending you lots of warm wishes and praying for no more red, yellow or even orange alerts. You guys hang in there, especially Miss Mona. Momma you keep flossing that cheese!
YEA!!! So glad to hear that the G-tube isn’t in the plan right now!!!
No matter what kind of alert it is…we’re here for you.
Isn’t that neck cheese lovely??!!!
Ramona looks so cuddly in that picture. Give her hugs for all of us!
what a cutie!! we are so glad that saline and ng tube nostril change are what is being done and not a g tube surgery. she lieks to keep you on your toes:) izzy likes that too! silly girls! I hope that she is feeling better and that you allget some good rest after such a scare! wyndi
Hey! I think i recognize that cutie onesie! I’m certainly loving the chubby thighs.
Sooo glad they suggested the “low tech” route for Ramona. Saline drops – miracle stuff.
And yes, why does baby gunk smell like cheese? Little Evan’s smelly feet have harshly reminded me why we call the gunk down there “toe cheese”.
Stink on, Ramona Mae, stink on. We’re happy you’re ok.
oh thank goodness. we’re so so so relieved with you that she doesn’t have to have the surgery.
love, kisses and good intentions to that little beauty (is there a color she doesn’t look good in?),
peggy and leona
Thanks for the update Jane. You send out whatever color alerts you need to any time my friend. Love you!
I can imagine it certainly felt like a red flag matter, and I’m grateful it turned out to simply be yellow.
Still checking in regularly and praying for your girl.
Dear Jane and Andy:
Advanced HAPPY FIFTH MONTH-SARY to Ramona! Wishing you all a great family day tomorrow.
Keep smiling and God bless!
Praying for you always, too!
Well, she doesn’t have to have the surgery NOW. Any she may not need it. But no difinitive statement that she won’t need it can be made.
Thanks everyone for your love and concern.
thanks for the update, jane, as always, and glad to hear of the good updates. please don’t feel you have to apologize for raising “red alerts” that turn out to be yellow. we’re just glad the result/outcome/situation is better than previously thought. so much happiness to you all, and happy birthday romano ramona! sarah p
Thanks for the news and grateful it is what it is and not more. I gotta chime in with some delight at her peaceful expression and super chubby thighs. The pictures warm my heart so much. You remain in our daily prayers as well as Marlowe and Rhys’ prayers. You are much loved. I am grateful to witness this little piece of community heaven and the love flowing your way. Sometimes we humans get it right. Happy 5 months Ramona Mae!!! So glad you are in the party.
So glad it wasn’t a true red alert. Man, Ramona’s legs are too delicious! You go girlfriend!