Wed 20 Jun 2007
Monday Morning Quarterback
Posted by Jane under Updates
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We did some things right this time around.
I realized today that if I hadn’t trusted my instinct about “Dr. Luck” Ramona would have had her echo while under general anesthesia during her G tube surgery. They probably would have done the echo first, discovered her aneurysm and taken her off to the PICU for surgery on her heart. We would have gone in thinking G tube and come out thinking holy crap. And perhaps they wouldn’t have had time to work up a good plan. And we would not have been ready.
So things were as they should have been, in hindsight. I will still keep her appointment for a surgical consult for next Friday. They won’t be able to do the G tube surgery for 4-6 weeks but we can talk about it at least and make a plan.
There’s also a downside to being home. I hate to say it, but there are actually some advantages to having your baby in the PICU. The first is obvious: twenty-four hour babysitting. Also, you get to drive around a lot. And you’re usually alone, so no passing string cheese and toys to the yokels in the back and no pulling a neck muscle trying to retrieve a renegade pacifier.
But being home sans oxygen is a really good thing. I will no longer have to silently curse the oxygen tube as I move from room to room, trying to untangle it as I go. That’s good, because I’ve been trying to save all the really choice swears for changing crib sheets. I can also burn candles and light the stove when Ramona’s around without fear of setting off some big explosion. That’s good because blowing up baby is not.
What’s been the best so far about having Ramona home is being together. When we got back Simon was in the highchair having dinner. We plopped Ramona in her bouncy seat on the kitchen island and it was just like old times. When I put her down in her crib, she zoned in on a beautiful painting by Andy’s Aunt Rosemary that hangs above her crib and I could see a flash of recognition. She fell asleep, Andy and I poured a glass of wine and shared that for the first time in a while we feel really lucky.
Now we wait again. There is no set plan for Ramona’s next surgery. They don’t know when or what it will be. We will be weaning her once and for all these next few weeks from her methadone and ativan. The doctors feel she is strong enough now and we agree. We will also consider some sleep training, but not until she’s through the weaning process and fully healed from her surgery.
Thanks so much for your prayers and support, what a crazy week or so it’s been. Here’s a pic of Papa and Mona awaiting discharge.
you guys are so beautiful.
Gosh, (s)he is cute.
Dear Ramona
Uh oh…first Auntie Jen says “sleep training” and then in this post Mama says, “sleep training.” You are in for it, babe…just to warn you. This will not revoke the “princess” status you have aquired and so richly deserve so don’t worry about THAT…but, every good thing takes hard work, not that you are a stranger to hard work, mind you. I suppose with that in mind, dolly, this ought to be a walk in the park for you!
Welcome home!
Miss Ang
Welcome home Ramona!
Love, Val
So, so happy you are home and she is so, so adorable!
Sorry for stating the obvious but, shes so cute.
She’s so cute and flirty in that picture! I’m so glad you’ve made it home. And I’m praising God over here about the lack of oxygen tank. I hadn’t even thought about how that might affect candles/stove/etc. We’d have eaten takeout every night. Which Evan would have loved: “McDonalds! Chicken nuggets! Apple Dippers!” It’s a sad testament to my parenting that he’s so familiar with the menu.
Congrats on being home together again! Ramona must have set some sort of record for fastest recovery from heart surgery ever!
Dear Jane and Andy
That brought tears to my eyes.. I am so happy for you, and I am glad I can be a part of Ramona’s life in a small way.
Lots of love and hugs
Aunt Ro
Great picture. Glad you are all back home, together and no worse for the ware. Your fortitude is amazing.
We’ll be praying for the weaning process of the meds to go a seamless as possible.
Welcome home smiley Ramona. Your such a blessing and continue to show us what a rock star you are.
Much love,
Dori, Carson and Madeleine
Gosh, you are both adorable! Andy and Jane, Mona really doesn’t look like a sick kid or a person in pain. She looks like she feels great, and she really must! You are gentle and you must have assembled a gentle team around her. Too bad, Dr. Luck…
Hi. I have been keeping up with your blog for some time now. I am so happy for you guys! Ramona is an angel! I have a 7 month old and I can’t imagine going through what you’ve gone through. You and your family have been in my prayers. You mentioned sleep training, all I can say is get “The Sleepeasy Solution”, it’s the best book out there! Good luck to you and your beautiful family!
Hooray! Praise God she’s home, and she is looking *good*! Sharing in that mental glass of wine with you guys!
Wow! Great news! Here’s to room air and moments you can look at your partner and feel lucky together!
I LOVE that sassy look on Ramona’s face. Like she knows something we don’t. Hummmm
Andy, nice new specs.
I can’t to see all of you soon!
Love you all
I looked at that picture, just shook my head saying to Ramona, “you are something else.” Thank you God. I thought she looked pretty flirty too!
Much love to you all,
This is so awesome!! When my Gracie went O2 tube free, we were just like you -looking to trip over the tubes
God works his miracles in such amazing ways. I hope to be able to meet you all someday and share stories about our amazing little ladies!
Jenni Belmonte