Ramona saw the cardiologist today for her first post-op appointment. They discontinued her lasix, did an EKG and an echo.

Her pulse ox registered at 84, which seemed about right and is fine for her. She weighed 19lbs 5oz. Also good. The cardiologist said she heard “good shunting sounds” from the BPA’s. The best part was that, for the first time, they were able to visualize both of her BPA’s on the echo. They have previously been too small to see except by angio CT. So that is just great.

The most surprising piece, which I take with a grain of salt, was what she said about a surgical plan. Keep in mind that she is not the surgeon so we’ll have to see. But she said she’d like to see Ramona wait until she’s two if possible for further surgeries. I’d like that too. Why not wait until she’s fifty? But that was the first time I’ve heard someone say she might not need another for awhile.

Thanks for your prayers. Here’s a quick photo from my phone (hence the terrible resolution) of the boo-boo’s watching Sesame Street. It cracks me up how big Ramona’s getting, she’s almost as big as Simon!

Love to you and yours, Jane.
