Sun 2 Sep 2007
Double Hitter
Posted by Jane under Updates
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As many of you know first-hand, we experienced some wicked storms in these parts last week. I was out with the babies for a walk on Thursday and the sky started to look “ominous”. So I turned right around and headed home. I am sure glad I did.
Just minutes later a storm blew through. And as I was putting Ramona down for her nap I heard a big thunk. I poked my head outside to see that the tree out in front of our neighbor’s house had split in half and fallen on our roof. The roof seems okay and the city came by and took off the tree the next day. Now you would think that would be the big news for the day, right? Wrong. We also had our first full-blown toddler disaster…
Basically it went like this: We were playing on the front porch. I had Ramona in my arms with her feeding pump running. Simon was practicing going up and down the stairs, they’re concrete and he’s getting pretty good at it. I had been painting the weather stripping and had all my supplies out on the porch, somewhat securely stowed. All of the sudden, before I even knew what was happening, he had gotten ahold of the gallon of white paint, lid on tight, raised it up above his head and chucked it down the stairs. In slo-mo, the lid popped off and big gloppy splatters went everywhere. The paint poured out down the stairs and left a sizeable puddle on the landing.
Pop quiz: What is a toddler’s first response to an unknown substance? Answer: Touch it (I would also accept eat it). So while I’m trying to figure you out what to do with Ramona, Simon goes over and starts splashing his hands in the paint. A little fleck hit his cheek and of course he just had to see what it was, so he took BOTH hands and rubbed his face up and down. So now he has paint on his clothes, his hands, up his nose, in his eyes and mouth. He looks like he is wearing white mascara. I am still standing there immobilized, probably with my mouth hanging open.
Finally I snap to and decide to put Ramona right inside on the couch while I clean everything up. When Simon sees me opening the door to go in, he wants to come too. I have to hold him back to get the door shut, thereby getting paint on my hands, which then gets on Ramona and her feeding pump, which then gets on the couch where I leave her. Once she is settled I head back out. In my absence Simon has been pounding his little paint covered hands on the door so I’ll let him in. I rush out, turn on the hose, and start hosing everything down. I strip down Simon, and clean off his face. To get the paint out of all the nooks and crannies I have to pretty much spray him in the face, he cries. Then I work on getting the paint off the brick and concrete before it dries, popping my head in every few minutes to make sure Ramona is cool. By the time everything was hosed off there was a river of paint running down our sidewalk into a milky white lake in the street.
I’ve been thinking that Simon is secretly working on a baby version of Jackass: The Movie. Some highlights so far inlcude throwing his potty down the basement stairs, eating a cigarette butt, putting Mommy’s toothbrush in the cat box, seeing how much cat food he can put in his mouth at once and, of course, the paint.
But we’re all fine and good now. I haven’t been posting much. Haven’t had too much angst to process, just mostly feeling busy and very grateful that we are returning to a somewhat normal family life. We still have so much help and I don’t feel quite as exhausted all of the time.
Some good news about Ramona: We received the results of her Develpomental Therapy six month evaluation. Amazingly, she is at an age appropriate level in 5 of 8 categories. Her cognitive, receptive language, social, emotional and self help skills are right on track so far. Her gross motor is most delayed, but it’s only by two months (25% delay). She also has a one month delay in expressive language and fine motor (13% delay). This is so miraculous, not only because of her heart condition and hospital stays, but because her initial evaluation showed a 75% delay across the board. She has come so far. We thank God for all of the folks at Early Intervention who are giving us the knowledge to create lots of opportunities for Ramona to grow and develop as normally as possible.
Ramona has been doing a lot of new things. She is turning pages on her books, feeding herself crackers and puffs, playing little games, waving and clapping, and sleeping through the night most nights. She gets very excited about all things kitty. If she sees our cats, sees pictures of cats, or hears us say “kitty” or “meow” she will straighten out her arms and legs and squeal with delight. It’s very cute. Here are some pics of the babies. Ramona had her tube out briefly this morning to give the skin on her face a break so we read a book and took some pictures tube free. Here’s one also of Simon looking like such a big boy. And another shot of Ramona getting ahold of one of her new best friends, her feet.
Thanks for checking in on us, have a good weekend, Jane.
Holy cow. That is some serious toddler events in your world. The kids just look great and I am sure that is all due to you and Andy and how much you love them. Praise God Ramona is doing so well. That is so exciting!
Love you all
I am so happy to know hear how great Simon and Ramona are doing. Beautiful kids!
Your toddler adventures could be my own LOL
What? No pictures of paint ladened Simon?
Naw, glad to hear things went okay. And don’t worry. It won’t be the only thing Simon does to make your jaw drop.
Wow. That’s the second paint story I’ve heard recently involving a toddler. The other story I heard involved red paint, twins, and white carpeting. In all seriousness though, thanks for the update and what a great report for Ramona. Praise God. And those pictures of Simon and Ramona once again made my day.
Love, Val
I would pay $9.75 for a ticket to see that movie starring Simon.
Yes, where is the Simon paint picture?? Too funny, Jane.
I am blown away by Ramona’s progress – waving AND clapping? What’s next, juggling?? How wonderful to get a glowing “review” on her skills. Go Mona Mae!
Looking forward to another play date, sans paint please.
Are you saying he already did all of those things? When my toddler does crazy things there are times I have to just laugh out loud right in front of him, even though I know that’s probably not the right reaction. But I’m impressed at how you handled your big disaster.
Thanks for the stories and updates. It’s a joy to read. Kids are looking grand. God reigns.
Love to you all,
how do you have time to post anything with simon on the go like that! wow he is making you guys work hard:) we are glad you are enjoying all things and everyone is doing well wow!
Where are the pictures? were the first words out of Andy’s mouth when we read this…pictures would be funny but I am sure it was not the first thought that came to your head, Jane.
Usually when toddler emergencies happen with me I act first….and cry or laugh later. Truly a funny story! Simon will laugh over it some day when you tell it again.
We rejoice with you that Ramona is doing so well.
Both of the kids are so delightfully beautiful.
Dear Jane, Dear Andy,
Like I said, you’re going to have to write a book!
Thanks for sharing some of Simon’s antics, the wonderful news of Ramona’s progress & the beautiful pictures of your children.
I also thank & praise God for His protection & provision for them, including their loving, diligent & creative parents – YOU!
Holding you close in thought & prayer:)
You have an amazing way of making me laugh and cry in the space of about 30 seconds. Of course, these are tears of joy this time. Thanking and praising God for all He’s done in your family and praying His blessing continue to flow… Your children are absolutely beautiful and such amazing gifts from the Father!!!
(I’m so glad my 3 year old hasn’t had a “Simon streak” yet!)
LOL…yeah, it’s FUNNY NOW!! I hear ya, the moment it was like a nightmare but your “mommy super hero mode” clicked in and you lept into action. Well done!
this kind of stuff, makes me love your kids all the more, you know….
sumthin’ about paint and boys. . . our friends received a free paint tube in the mail once. of course, their older son promptly painted his little brother with it until he looked like a member of the blue man group. thank goodness avery’s favorite “paint” is bubbles. on a totally different note, i’m impressed that ramona’s Where is Baby’s Belly Button? book is so neat and clean – avery’s is mangled to no end. beloved, but bemangled. and that’s fantastic news about ramona’s developmental progress – perhaps she’ll be hiding your toothbrush in the cat box someday soon. . . peaces, sarah p
Hilarious! Simon’s toddler antics are cracking me up! I think he and Ava would be great friends! Glad to hear Ramona is developing so well. I love the beautiful pics of the kids, but it would have been so great if you had your camera handy for the paint incident!
So funny, Jane. My dad tells a similar story about a time when i, as a toddler, threw a bucket of paint down the stairs in our house at the very instant he had finished recarpeting those same stairs.
I knew I liked that Simon for some reason.
Congrats to little lady ramona – shes looking a lot like you, Jane.
Jane and Andy,
I couldn’t help but laugh out loud, and I am sure my co-workers wre wondering why I was chuckling. Jane, you should write that book, or at least a skit for Saturday Night live. It reminded me of something in a I Love lucy skit.
So happy that Ramona is healthy.. Praise God. Keep believing.
Aunt Ro
Peggy…I was JUST thinking that….baby girl is looking A LOT like her beautiful mama.
Jane and Andy, Couldn’t sleep tonight so I logged on to the computer to read your latest entry. I was greatly encouraged with how well Ramona is doing and how Simon’s paint adventure is evidence of how you are all “returning to a somewhat normal family life.” What a hilarious story. Now if only laughter could cure my insomnia. I give thanks to God for all that he is doing in your lives! Peace to you. Tim
Welcome to normal toddlerhood! It’s sort of unfair that on top of having special toddler issues to deal with, you have the normal craziness, too! It makes for a great story, though, and you’ll get to tell it for years. That Simon just does look like a stinker – in the best sort of way. He’ll keep you laughing when things get a bit heavy, I think.
Ramona is gorgeous, such a miracle baby and a hard worker. Keep up the good progress, sweetie!
That is hilarious. Though I’m sure it wasn’t while you were going through it! That’s a story for the ages. It’s really beautiful how well the kids are doing and it’s just as beautiful that you are able to savor your family life even in the face of messy, slapstick paint catastrophes!
Thanks for sharing, and hope you all are well,
Your kids are so flippin’ adorable! And that Simon makes the kind of mischief that really does make for the best kind of stories. Much love!
Oh Jane, what a story!!
We’re so pleased to hear how well Ramona is doing. Your kids are gorgeous – love the pictures! Love to you all.
Jane – I’ve never posted here before but I do follow this web site, usually on a weekly basis. I’m a December 2006 Snowflake mom; that’s the connection here. I just wanted to say that I’m so very happy that Ramona is doing so well. I pray for her and for your family. Your children are positively beautiful! Thank you for sharing them and your family’s life with us.
Hello Jane,
I was referred to your site from a friend of a friend and have been reading up for awhile. I have a daughter who will be 7 in 3 weeks with DiGeorge Syndrome and due to the grace of God is an absolute miracle – so hold on we are living proof as we went through so much of what you are now – heart surgery at 7 days of age and therapy, therapy, therapy….and I had an 18 month and 3 year old at the time of her birth. She is in first grade now in a private Christian school and reading and doing fantastic and even trying out for Choir! That’s a miracle for a little girl who signed the first 3 1/2 years of her life until a submucous cleft surgery healed her voice. One thing we have learned is that God truly does heal but not always the way we want it or in the speed we would like but I can say that all we have been through with our daughter has been an awsome faith builder. We are here if you ever need someone to talk to that has walked that path.
Wow…those are some great pictures. Toddlers are incredible aren’t they. The other day while at CVS getting some Orajel for Gabriel (that’s how I numb his gums to pull his teeth when they’re ready), I’m standing in line paying when Gabriel screams MOM, I turn around and Alex had grabbed some nail polish off of a shelf, opened it and not only painted his check but his tongue too.
I miss your postings but am so grateful that you’re not posting because you’re busy enjoying life and your beautiful family. That truly is a blessing. Go Ramona…Go! The kids look great in these pictures. So healthy and happy. God Bless you all!