Wed 19 Sep 2007
Twenty Pounds!
Posted by Jane under Updates
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Well, it’s official. Ramona is about 40lbs of cute in a 20lb bag. She’s so big and chunky she barely fits on our scale now!
We’re home from Vermont and had a great time. Andy’s brother, Toby, and his wife, Bekah, generously agreed to let me and Mona invade their house for the weekend. They have an adorable new baby, Phare (that’s FAIR-uh for those of you keeping score at home), and a sweet 11 year old boy named Noah. Ramona flew well, we had lots of time for napping and shopping, and we had lots of mommy-Mona time. It was pretty special. I missed my boys like crazy, but they had fun too. They went to the zoo, the beach and the park. Simon was so worn out by his Papa fun time that he slept until 7:30 every morning that I was gone.
I had a little more alone time than I’m used to over the weekend and found myself getting very sad all of the sudden. I think normally I use the chaos in my life to beat back the fear and worry that encroaches so easily in my quiet times. But that was good too, I guess. Gave me a chance to acknowledge the anxiety I deal with on a daily basis.
Speaking of which, Ramona’s cardiology appointment has been pushed up from middle of October to this Friday. This is because of a curious leaning behavior Ramona has developed over the last couple of weeks. She turns her head and leans way over so her head is almost touching the ground, stays like that for a few seconds, then pops back up. At first I thought that she was just trying to see what was under the couch. There is some concern that she is doing this in an attempt to shunt the blood differently between her ventricles and improve her oxygenation. Not sure what this would mean if it were the case but they’d like to do an echo and make sure everything looks okay still. Hopefully this will be nothing, or close to nothing. Please pray that she will not require surgery again soon.
Some great news. She is now drinking enough by mouth that we are considering eliminating one of her five pump feedings. She has downed as much as 2 oz. in a sitting this past week and yesterday she drank 3.5 oz total! We are hopeful that she will be able at some point to drink the entire 30 oz. she gets every day, that would mean no more tube!
Here are a few shots of Mona, her new cousin, and the three ladies. Love to all of you, Jane.
I didn’t realize that was going on, and that was why her cardiology appointment is on Friday! I hope everything is within the “normal” scope. Let me know if i can do anything to help you out this weekend. Much Love!
I think she’s more like 100 lbs of cute. Or maybe even 200 lbs.
So glad you were able to get away. I’ll be praying for the appointment on Friday.
Fine, Jane: we grant that she’s growing a lot — but that blue jacket is still too big.
Ramons is just so sweet! What a darling family you’ve got there. Bekah and Phare are lovely!
Praying that the leaning is just a goofy baby thing that you’ll tell funny stories about in the future. “Remember when Ramona used to lean over and then pop-up for no apparent reason? What a hoot!”
I wish all the fear and anxiety could just melt away for you, dear Jane. I pray for peace.
All the pictures are beautiful of course, especially of the cousins together. Will be praying for the cardiology appointment this Friday. And am so glad you had a nice time away.
Love, Val
Wow, Ramona is SOO cute! And next to the her baby cousin she looks giant! I’m praying for you that the appointment goes well on Friday and that Ramona will drink more and more with each passing day. It will feel so good for both of you to get rid of that tube!
Hey Jane!
Thanks so much for posting these memories! I kind of feel like celebrity now that I’m on your blog
Thank you also for sharing your life and time, and our precious neice with us this past weekend. I miss you both so much.
We’ll be thinking of you at your next appointment, and praying too. Give the chunkarina a big squeeze from Aunt Bekah!
Love you!
Those precious little girls! Lord protect them from evil and bless them with Your love, mercy and grace. Amen.
A big huge Congrats to Bekah, Toby and Noah!!! (and all the fam) Welcome beautiful Phare – you are a sight to see!
Jane I am so glad you had so good Mona Mommy time and that Andy and Simon had great Dad/Son time too. Must have been sweet to come home as well as be away. I will be praying on Friday and waiting to hear. Maybe Mona just like the look of the world sideways sometimes!
I will also pray that Simon’s new wake up time stays with you all. Missing you something terrible. Love you
Wow – 20 pounds is outstanding!!! She looks more & more beautiful in every picture. Some of her recent ones are simply stunning.
Praying for you all (for Friday especially) and hoping she’s just being silly with her new behavior.
We’re sending good thoughts your way for your doctor’s appointment tomorrow.
Ramona is looking so lovely, and I’m happy you had some time to yourself, Jane – even if it was more emotional and sad than you expected.
I am so glad you had mommy-mona time. How special indeed and thank yous to everyone that provided that for you. And Jane, just a note of encouragement regarding your quiet time observations – awareness is part of the battle, He supplies the armour and the battle is the Lord’s. God bless you dear.
Much love to you all,
Wow…that is most awesome! Man, chet didn’t make it to 20 pounds til he was like a year and a half…remember how he looked like a skinny old man for so long? ack…scary. Now, Ramona looks like a cuddly buncha fun, I’ll tell ya! What a sweet girl. I’m glad the travel has gone well, you guys rock.
I’ll pray this friday, like Dina said, that it will turn out to be nothing of concern…
Hi Jane and Andy
Ramona and her cousin look so precious. I can see Toby in Phare’s face. I am praying for protection over Ramona that her health continue.
You are all in my prayers daily.
Aunt Ro
How did I miss this one? I’m usually so on top of my blog reading. Super cute chubbiness. I know what you mean about how sudden quietness or downtime. It’s like all those emotions are just sitting their waiting. But you’re right to welcome them and acknowledge them. I also like to tell them which way to the exit.
It has been a very long time since I have checked in on Monamae. She looks so much like her Grammy Deitrich when she was little…it is true, Sue… ah such lovely ladies all..Mona, Phare and the the lovely Bekah…but no picture of my friend, Jane.
Hey girl, let’s see some sunshine…I want to see a pic of you, also!!
You continue in my prayers…Deitrichs and company..all..
Aunt Jackie
I, too, have thought on occasion that Ramona looked like some pictures I’ve seen of my mom as a little girl.