Fri 26 Oct 2007
Posted by Jane under Updates
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I’ve been delinquent. I apologize. There’s a lot going on here, but nothing life or death. At least not that we know of…
Ramona has been getting very busy. Always on the move, rolling, pulling up to kneeling, almost crawling and just being very wiggly in general. We had her six-month evaluation meeting with the OT, PT, DT, speech therapist and service coordinator from Early Intervention. No big changes in her treatment plan, but we will be meeting with a nutritionist to help with the process of weaning her from her feeding tube. She is about half there in terms of her oral intake. We have also decided to get her an orthotic helmet to help correct the wonky head shape she’s developed from spending a ton of time on her back. Think Charlie Brown. More on that in a second.
Simon has added another stunt to his Jackass Baby: The Movie repertoire. You may or may not know that Simon is a very adventurous eater. Yesterday he decided to eat…wait for it…CAT VOMIT. Yes that’s right, when I wasn’t looking our cat Helmut threw up an esophogus-shaped tube of pre-moistened cat food on the kitchen floor. Simon, who I guess figures I might leave snacks for him on the floor, went over and scooped up a handful and put it in his mouth. I came onto the scene when he had just discovered that cat vomit does not actually taste as good as it looks. Now a normal person might spit it out, but Simon just kept swallowing as fast as he could to get it over with while giving me a very confused and slightly accusatory look. I grabbed him, wiped his squishy hands and gave him some water to wash it down. When I put him down to go clean up the throw up, he followed right behind me. I didn’t wait to find out, but I’m pretty sure he was going back for seconds.
So Ramona is getting this helmet. We’ve agonized over it for awhile, about 6 months, and I think we’re all finally ready. I realized that my hesitance was about preserving her quality of life in the present just in case she didn’t have a future. Like if she were to die before or during her next surgery, I would regret having spent four months of helmet time that could have been helmet-free time. I’ve decided now that we should just step out in faith and assume that she has a long, happy life ahead of her. Which will be considerably happier if she doesn’t look like the guy on the Lemonheads box.
And we get to decorate it. This gives me a nice, false sense of control over the whole process. It will be fun to pick and execute a design, although it’s pretty high-pressure to pick something “perfect”. Which is why I don’t have a vanity plate or a tattoo. We’ve thought about keeping it neutral to go with all her little outfits. We’ve also thought about going for a laugh and writing something on it: “Under Construction” or “If You Can Read This, Give Me A Cracker”. But I think between the feeding tube and the helmet, we should be trying our best to preserve her dignity, so we’ll probably skip the jokes (but please feel free to pile on the suggestions!).
So all in all we’re doing well. Ramona had a mysterious blue spell today that made my own heart clench up, I’m really hoping it’s not a sign that surgery is looming. It might just be the cold she’s got, we’ve been getting one bug after another since the beginning of September. Please pray that we’ll stay healthy and well-rested. Please pray for wisdom as we continue to face some difficult decisions regarding Ramona’s care.
Love, Jane.
Here they are in the kitchen, mixing it up…
Glad to hear things are going well!!!
We could all make drawings that could be printed on stickers for Ramona’s helmet???
I love the “under construction” slogan!!!
How about, “Caution: Contains Mass Quantities of Cute”
I vote for “Don’t you wish you had one?” or “Biker Babe”
Jane – so good to read you post. Simon’s cat vomit had us howling! Ramona can handle the helmet – she’s a trooper. David and I have talked long and hard about helmet catch-phrases. We took the wise-ass approach. Mine: “It’s called a helmet, dumbass” and David’s: “You worry about you”. (Apologies in advance for offending anyone)

I hate to say it, but we have plenty more cat vomit if Simon’s feeling hungry again. We could really use his talents around here. We’re happy that you guys are only posting every so often and getting to enjoy life with Ramona & Simon. We know it’s still not “normal”, but whose to say what normal really is?
Thanks Andy for becoming my friend on Facebook, a phenomenon I’ve yet to understand. Kind of like Virtual Life.
…good it wasn’t a hairball…
I like, “If you can read this, blend me a sandwich.”
Belated Happy Monthiversary, Ramona!
Advanced Happy Halloween, too!
I’m praying for you and your family always!
Keep smiling and God bless!
Thanks for the laugh! I like the “under construction” slogan as well! I think of you all often and pray that you have peace with all of your decisions for Ramona & your family. Thanks for the update.
how about “i do my own stunts”
we want ramona-lion and simon-chicken pictures!
ronnie and pauls
I love your writting. I had a good laugh at Simons antics! I will continue to lift you all and especially Ramona in prayer. All will be well.
Aunt Ro
Hey guys, I found your blog through Krista and Kate’s site. Ramona has the same heart diagnosis our son has. We also went back and forth about getting an orthotic helmet and decided to give it a shot. We ended up having to ditch it, but our experience was a unique one. Your helmet experience is bound to be much better!
Anyway, we’ll add Ramona to our prayer list. You seem like such a loving family…she is lucky to have you!