Tue 11 Mar 2008
Max Headroom
Posted by Jane under Updates
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Well, today was the day. Ramona will no longer need to wear her helmet. This is the first time in over a year that she hasn’t had something strapped to her head or face all day. Here are the before and afters…
She’s got some definition now at the base of her skull, the bulging in her forehead has been minimized (you can really see it in the last shot), and her overall symmetry has really been improved. The difference is pretty subtle, but I’m pleased with the results. Is that a creepy thing to say?
I can’t get over what a big girl she is now! I promise to post some girly shots of her cute self with bows in her hair, etc. but I’m still trying to figure out what’s happening with her hair. The helmet wore off a bunch of hair in the front so she’s got a receding hairline thing up there and it’s gotten very long in the back. Maybe she is just destined for mullethood.
Thanks for your prayers, thanks for your comments.
Love, Jane.
Don’t know if it’s the lighting but Ramona has pinked up quite a bit from even October. Way to go kiddo. She’s also looking more like her Mama. Killer eyelashes.
Thanks for sharing the wonderful news.
She’s beautiful!!!
Isaac’s melon is looking like he could use a helmet…but, no one has suggested it yet…so, I’m not bringing it up!!!
Have fun with the bows!
You know…just go ahead and get her some hair extensions(i’m laughing at the thought of that!)
She looks great! I think even her posture looks more relaxed and comfortable in the “after” pictures.
I agree with Ann – look at how her shoulders have relaxed! She must be feeling good. And she sure looks great.
She is such a beauty. What a blessing you are sweet Ramona.
Love, Val
what a beauty and such a big girl.
have a great day!!
love, melissa
Such a cutie! It is wonderful to see her full face and head. She looks so relaxed now with her rib cage and shoulders dropping. The difference a few months makes is amazing.
Take Care – Sharon, Sarah, and Nate
The pics look great! I can definitely see the difference. It’s amazing what those helmets can do. Elijah tried the helmet for about 6 weeks (and it looks like it was the same brand as Ramona’s), but we just could not lessen his skin irritation. It was horrible! Did Ramona ever have problems with that? In the end, we decided not to do it. His head is still a little flat on the right side so I’m hoping it evens out more as he grows.
Looking forward to cute girly, fun-haired pics!
She looks WONDERFUL!!!
My son has that same flat head. I thought he was just taking after my father, but maybe not. Oh well too late to do anything now!
I have to agree w/everyone b/4 me. Her pink skin was the first thing I noticed, the second being how light her scar is. She’s such a beautiful girl (and Simon is a handsome boy!)
I hope you guys can get to Detroit for the conference. Give it a some thought!
Love you guys!
whoa- toddler mugshots!
you look wonderful, ramona <3
It is amazing to see how Ramona has grown! And Simon, too!
Thinking of you~
Ditto Dori – noticed the rosiness and killer eyelashes right away. The difference looks profound. And she is still an amazing little girl. Her tenacity is in the genes.
She looks awesome! You can totally see the differance, and I know what I’m supposed to be noticing is her head shape, but she looks super funny in all the pictures, *prisoner number 349838
Hi Jane and Andy!
This is wild, but I met Grandpa Wayne on a Delta Flt. this last week and you know how it goes….when I mentioned I lived in J Park, he, of course mentioned you all. I was a semi-regular at your store and always wondered where you disappeared to. Congratulations on your beautiful family. Count me in on the prayers for Ramona’s well-being, and strength for the rest of you. See you in the ‘hood!
I love you, Sweet Pea! And I thank the Lord for your healing and growth. I look forward to holding you and Simon. I’ll tell you both a story and you can tell us one. You make my heart smile, Sweetheart.
She looks great! And a lot older in the more recent pictures, too!
I’m just now getting the title of this post.
She is so precious in these mugs!
I love the mug shots! There is a difference, and she looks lovely. She is such a big girl now! Don’t fret about the mullet – bows and barretts can do wonders. And if anyone can pull off a super-hip retro mullet, it’s Ramona Mae.
Dear Jane and family:
Thank you for all the photos you posted on your blog with this entry. You REALLY do see the difference 😉 Your daughter is a beautiful work in progress.
Wishing you all a reflective and refreshing Holy Week + Advanced Happy Easter! Keep smiling and God bless, too!
She’s just beautiful. Praise God for everyday and each blessing. Can’t wait to see Mona Bow-Head!
izzy has a mullet and a comb over from being shaved for a failed IV attempt! She has grown so much! what an exciting day! the helmet was cute on her, I think anything is cute on her!! she is a doll! yeah! congrats on another milestone beautiful Ramona and family!
She looks fantastic, mullet hair or not.