Thu 18 Sep 2008
MRI Update
Posted by Jane under Updates
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Hi all! Sorry I’m so late in updating, here’s the scoop so far…
We’ve had a crazy two weeks. Our basement flooded. Twice. I fell and bruised my kidney and messed up my sciatic nerve. My kidney got infected. So I’ve been flying high on all sorts of drugs and just trying to get through day to day. In a way it was a good way to approach this MRI for Ramona. If I hadn’t been injured and on drugs I probably would have driven myself crazy with worry.
The MRI went fine. It started two hours late. Ramona spent most of that time asking anyone who would listen for pancakes, cookies, milk, you name it. I was able to hold her while they put the gas mask on her and then left as they prepared to intubate and put her on the ventilator. It was quite a long scan, about 3 hours, and she was pretty grumpy when she woke up. She seems pretty good now, a little hoarse, but back to normal for the most part.
We will hear about the results of her heart scan on Monday or Tuesday. I’m still not clear about when we will hear the results of her spine scan, but I’m hoping to at least hear when we will hear tomorrow.
That’s all for now. Thanks for checking in and apologies to all who could not get on the site this morning, some world wide web snafu. Here’s a shot of our big girl with her daddy, feeling OK!
Oh, my!
Jane:) I am so sorry to know that you were injured(in the line of duty??). Are you feeling better? Hope so!
Thank you for this update. I am grateful for all good news thus far & expect more.
Ramona is beautiful & looking so big, there, in her daddy’s arms.
Jane, oh my gosh! Good grief!
Hope you’re feeling better. Hope you’ll hear good results for Ramona soon. She is so cute!!! What a big girl!
Oh, you guys flooded? Sorry to hear about that and the fall you had. Sheesh. When it rains it pours, right? I love Ramona’s grumpster face in this picture. She is adorable, and Andy, too! We’ve been enjoying the new Mucca Pazza and Jake’s got his teachers playing it at school. Hope you get to rest that back, somehow, Jane.
You’r amazing mother.. you are just like the energizer bunny.. you just keep going. PLease take care of yourself. The pictures look great.
You remembered in our prayers.
Thanks for teh update
Love Aunt Ro
Uggh on the basement and then to have a fall on top of that. Wish I would have known-would have tried to help a little. Glad to hear the MRI went smooth for Ramona-at least she was out since it was so long. And at least it is over with for now. I know that waiting can the hardest part, but we are sending good vibes that you hear what you want or at least what you expect to hear.
The picture is of course adorable-but then again your kids are simply cute. I will try to call next week when hopefully you have recovered a little more.
Take Care – Sharon
I am glad Ramona’s sedation went smoothly. I hope the information from the MRI is reassuring and you are back on your feet soon.
We are still covered in drywall from our remodel and its exhausting to have the house need help as well as 2 kids. I can’t imagine it would be easy handling a flooding. Ugh.
I’ll be hoping for easy news next week.