Mon 9 Mar 2009
Cath Scheduled
Posted by Jane under Updates
[15] Comments
Hi there, it’s been a while! We’ve been white-knuckling through these final days of winter and can’t wait for the SPRING. A quick update:
Ramona will have her next cath on May 8th. We are not sure exactly what they will do but know it will be similar to the last time, just with a slightly more aggressive approach. I’m glad to have it on the schedule so we can prepare.
Ramona had an audiology appointment this morning. The right ear looked good, but the left ear was too blocked with fluid to get a conclusive result. This is exactly what happened last time so we will be heading to the pediatrician for a look at her ears and a possible ENT consult.
I have a prayer request. You may have noticed the name Whitney in the comments these past few years. She grew up with Andy and has been a constant source of support and love for our family since Ramona’s diagnosis. Even though she and I have never met face to face, I consider her a friend. Two weeks ago her oldest son Forester, who is seven, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. He had surgery the next day and is recovering well but will require chemotherapy and radiation as part of his treatment. Please pray for him and his family as they are making a big adjustment and understandably grieving. You can read more about their family here.
Thanks! More pictures coming soon but here’s a shot of my little monkey at the Zoo in the climber:
Great picture! What a sweet, sweet face..
I always love having dates of procedures on the calendar. It is somehow comforting to know WHEN. We will pray hard for you all in the next months.
We’ll also add Forester and his family to our prayer list. What a tough thing.. I think kids should be immune to major illnesses. It just doesn’t seem fair.
Have a great week..xo
Jane, thanks for the update! Keep us posted about the ear/fluid thing. We’ll be praying for you guys, as well as Whitney’s son Forester.
glad you have the cath on the schedule and thanks for the update. read your friend’s blog yesterday and am adding Forester to our m’sheberach (prayer for healing) list. also wanted to note i saw some spring bulbs popping up – loving the sign of rejuvenated life creeping all over – thought of you.
Thanks for the update. May 8th is on the schedule. We will continue to pray for you all and Forester. Love and miss you
Dear Ones,
OK! Good to know. May 8th. Will pray. Do pray.
Thanks for another wonderful picture of Miss Mona. Oh, I want to squeeze her! And all of you:)
Thanks also for including us in the circle of prayer & support for Forester & his family. Joining hands & hearts…
Love you all!
Wow. News, intensity, spring. Ramona is adorable. I’m praying for you all and Forester’s family, too. Thanks for connecting everyone together.
Thank you for the request for prayers. You are so sweet my friend. Praying for Ramona and your family tonight. No more drama on this day – please, Lord!!
Heidi had herself a mini panic attack in that climber last week! She suddenly couldn’t figure how to get out and sort of freaked.
As ever, Ramona is in our hearts and in our prayers. With love.
So glad to see Ramona looking so well. We too cant wait for winter to be over. I’ll keep Whitney’s family in my prayers.
Give the kids my love!
We pray for your beautiful daughter every day. My new favorite thought is: “The resurrection reminds us that the worst thing that happens is not the last thing that happens.” We are counting on the fact that the worst is over and there are many, many wonderful days ahead.
With love and hope,
Fr. Bill and Bev Johnston
I will pray for Ramona and for the docs when her cath approaches. I know that they are easier than a surgery…but, I don’t like them just same. (stresses me out)
She is so big…HOLY COW! and just beautiful. I hope both kiddos are keeping you happy and busy!
kathy roller
I will be praying for your friends. Shelly Duarte
I will pray for your friends. Shelly Duarte
dearest friends,
I just read Fr. Bill and Beverly Johnston’s reply and I have to say it is comforting to me, as well. “The worst thing that happens is not the last thing that happens.” We will all be changed, in the twinkling of an eye. For now, we will believe that God has a plan for Ramona and our job is to TRUST HIM and to pour out our love..on all of you!!
And we do and we will!!
A Jackie
Dear Jane and Andy,
Just a short note to tell you that you are in Randy’s and my prayers, and that we send all our love and hugs to you, Mona Mae and dear big brother Simon. What a a sweet comment he made.
Aunt Rose