Thu 23 Apr 2009
UPDATED: Mona With Me
Posted by Andy under Updates
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We’ve had a busy couple of days.
Wednesday morning Jane took Ramona to the cardiologist. She called them on Saturday after Ramona had a what we think was a tet spell. She was playing outside with some other children and turned a bluer color and had a hard time breathing for a short interval. Ramona’s cardiologist scheduled the Wednesday morning appointment.
An echo cardiogram at that appointment showed a couple of things. First, there is a “narrowing” of Ramona’s RVOT, the gortex patch that surgeons put on her heart in June of 2007 to increase blood flow to her branching pulmonary arteries. Second, there is a “thickening” of the heart muscle somewhere near this patch. I use quotes since these are the words the doctors use to describe what they are seeing, but I get the sense there’s a lot more to the story. These 2 developments could explain the spell Ramona had Saturday.
At that appointment, they wanted to admit Ramona right away. There weren’t any beds available at the time, so Jane was able to bring Ramona home for her regular nap. At 3pm the three of us came back to the hospital. Simon stayed at home with Jane’s mom.
The plan was to put Ramona on propranolol, and do a CT scan to get a detailed image of her heart and arteries. The propranolol was started last evening, and the CT scan took place this morning. Based on the results of this scan, we were looking at the possibility of a prolonged hospital stay as we waited for an opening in the cath lab (for a procedure just like the one she had last October) or even an open heart surgery if they’d seen something on the scan that required intervention.
The good news is that the scan didn’t show anything particularly new or shocking. No imminent cath, no open heart surgery. (Eventually the patch will need to be replaced with a larger one but that is a worry for another time.) Ramona will keep her previously scheduled date for the next cath, May 21. I am staying at the hospital for a 2nd night; Jane went home with Simon. We’re here basically for observation on the new meds, and should be discharged tomorrow if things go smoothly.
Jane relayed an exchange she had with Simon at bedtime tonight. He has been worried about his sister and as she held him before putting him in bed she asked him how he was feeling. He burst into tears and cried, “saaaaaad!” Then he cried, “I want my Mona with me!”
It just breaks my heart. We all want our Mona with us.
Thanks for the support, the calls, the emails over the last couple days. Hopefully tomorrow will bring a homecoming.
UPDATE April 24 11:30am
Ramona is home and sleeping soundly in bed. Thanks everyone.
Jane & Andy,
I hope Mona makes it back home to all of you today. Thinking of you & your family and saying lots of prayers.
Thinking of you all!
Like Simon, I feel very sad and hope Mona will be back with the family very soon, Love, Aunt Carolyn
Love you guys. My heart goes out to Ramona and Simon and you and Jane.
Hi everyone,
I hope Ramona is coming home soon and that the new meds are working. Let us (22q11_yahoo gals) know if you need anything.
Hey you guys.. I’m so sorry for the little scare. Tet spells are scary, we know. It’s good news that the CT scan didn’t show anything alarming. Now let’s pray for a good cath on the 21st!
I hope you are on your way home as I type! Sending hugs and love to you all..xo
ps. Simon…such a sweet sweet story.
We’ve been praying for you. I hope she’s able to come home to her sweet brother today!
I am thinking of you all and hope that little Ramona gets to get home soon!!! And Simon…poor sweet boy
I know how hard it is on the siblings, my oldest struggles with Micah all the time too 
Heart hugs,
Relieved they didn’t find anything new or shocking, and that they’re going to move forward with the cath in May! Thinking of you guys. Sweet Simon! What a great big brother….
Dear Ones!
Out of the mouths of babes!
Holding you all close in thought & prayer & looking forward to more great stories!! Kiss those babies for me:)
Lots of love,
Oh guys, you are so strong! I can’t even imagine what you are going through–and how hard it is for all of you. But, you do all have each other and are so clearly loving. Hang on to that.
We are praying for a happy family homecoming today! Sending you lots of love…
The Boyds
We really hope she comes home to you today.
With love,
-Emily and Will
hoping simon gets his mona with him today and that the family has a restful homecoming and time of togetherness…
I”m so glad to hear Ramona is home with her Simon now. What sweet kids you have!
Simon has such a tender heart. Am glad Ramona Mae is on her way home soon. Much love to all of you.
I’m happy there weren’t any crazy developments, and its good to hear that Mona’s home and happy. That breaks my heart about the Simon monster, I’m glad they’re so close. call if need any extra help!
I’m so glad that Ramona is back at home with her family. Simon is so adorable! I’m sorry about the scare you had and the worry you had to endure. Praying for a successful and boring cath in May.
Heart hugs,
So sorry about this recent drama but so glad Ramona is home and resting. Are they keeping her on the propranolol until the 21st? Forester takes the same drug 2x a day to keep his headaches away. My prayers and love to all of you.
Whit! She will be on the propanalol for good now. She takes it every 8 hours exactly, which means going in her room at night and giving it to her while she’s sleeping
But, it seems to be helping. She has been very active today and although the medication seems to make her dizzy, it seems to be helping with her breathing.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers you guys, it means a lot to us.
Thinking of you all in the midst of this (and missing you). So glad Ramona is home now. As always, you are in my prayers.
Wow. Simon’s words made me cry. I am praying for you all and am so glad Mona is back home. You must all be exhausted. I wish I was there to bring you comfort food and sit with you. I miss you all dearly. Love to all,
I got on your site tonight to ask you when you were going to update…
and this was NOT want I wanted to see.
Glad the cat scan didn’t show anything shocking.
I will keep you guys in my prayers as her cath gets closer.
I think we deserve some pics after that scare you gave us.
thank you.
my dears,
please know that we are praying as we are BELIEVING in the good, good work that God is doing in and for your Mona.
we both are so anxious to meet your son and daughter and to see you all. it has been awhile.
aunt jackie