We had a great vacation. The babies traveled well and slept pretty well too. The only hitch was their complete and total terror of the water. And Simon is afraid of sand. It didn’t occur to me that our city babies might need time to adjust to the lake experience. But we still had a ton of fun.

We took lots of walks, played and just generally hung out. We got so much help from Eva. Andy and I even got to go have dinner together, just the two of us. Here are some highlights…

The family cottage has lots to do:


Here’s a shot of me with bambinos before we tried getting them wet. Can you sense my optimism?


Here’s Simon on the boat, which he loved:


Simon can now climb up on couches, so Ramona’s getting a lot more of his attention lately.


Eva was great with both babies and Simon really enjoyed the new games she taught him.


Papa and the boy…


Ramona looking doe-eyed and downright pink!


So there it is. I’m honestly too distressed to say much about this upcoming spinal MRI. Just trying to be patient until we know more. Please pray for us.
