
So, we weighed Ramona today and she is up to 12lbs. 6oz. on our home scale. That’s another good gain since her 12lb. weigh-in at the cardiologist last Thursday.


Ramona is four months old today. We are thrilled, there was a time we weren’t sure we’d see this day.


It is not hard to push my buttons lately. Of all the things that seem to get me going, having people tell me that they are sure Ramona is going to survive is most likely to put me into a tizzy. I’ve been trying to figure out why this is. It shouldn’t be a big deal, I should be grateful for their warm fuzzy thoughts, right?


We had a pretty rough morning. Ramona spit up a huge amount and in the process spit up her nose tube. This means we have to put it back in, which is scary and un-fun. I was pretty upset by the whole thing.


Today Andy’s brother Toby and his wife Bekah go home to Vermont to await the birth of their daughter in May. Thanks guys so much for all of your help, we love you. So starts a new chapter for us. It will now be just the four of us although we will still have a ton of help and are working out a semi-permanent child care plan.


Ramona had her first follow-up cardiology appointment today. It went well. She pretty much slept through the whole thing and did sleep through the entire echocardiogram. I asked all my questions and was satisfied with the answers.


Ramona had a speech therapy appointment this morning which went well. They deal with her feeding and swallowing stuff. She was cleared this morning to try 45ml of formula by bottle once a day, instead of her usual 30ml. So that’s good news.


In case I don’t say it enough, I love her.


My black mood from this morning has been somewhat improved by the report we got from one of Ramona’s pediatricians today.

When we announced our pregnancy shortly after bringing Simon home, a distant relative, let’s call her Helga, asked if we would be returning Simon now that we were going to have “our own” baby.


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