
We had a kind of crappy Thanksgiving. We were all set and packed to go to Appleton to see Andy’s family for a few days. We had even scheduled a portrait of the whole fam-damily, a first with Simon, Ramona and baby niece Phare. But on Monday night Ramona came down with a cold and fever and was too sick to travel. So Andy took Simon up north on Wednesday morning and we agreed that Mona and I would follow as soon as she was able.


We had a great Halloween. I’m a little cynical about “kid holidays”, but I have to admit that they both had a really good time. We trick-or-treated at about 4 houses and that was plenty. At our first stop, Simon went up the stairs and when the home-owner opened the door, he walked right in and started playing with their toys. I had to forcibly remove him.


I’ve been delinquent. I apologize. There’s a lot going on here, but nothing life or death. At least not that we know of…


We’re chuggin’ along here. (more…)

Hi there. Looks like everything is okey-dokey with Ramona’s repair! No change as far as they can tell. That’s great news, thanks for all the prayers. I’ve got one more prayer request to throw on the pile.


Well, it’s official. Ramona is about 40lbs of cute in a 20lb bag. She’s so big and chunky she barely fits on our scale now!


This entry is mostly an excuse for me to post some pictures, but I’ll go ahead and tell you about Ramona’s upcoming trip, too. (more…)

Being a new parent to a “special child”, I haven’t had a lot of time to get cranky about things people do or don’t do, do or don’t say, etc. when it comes to Ramona. But I have developed one little pet peeve…


As many of you know first-hand, we experienced some wicked storms in these parts last week. I was out with the babies for a walk on Thursday and the sky started to look “ominous”. So I turned right around and headed home. I am sure glad I did.


Today is Ramona’s 9th Monthiversary! Jane and I were remembering today that there was a time when we didn’t know if Ramona would get to see green grass or feel a warm afternoon breeze on her face. Well, she has. And as we approach her 12th Monthiversary, we’re thankful. (more…)

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