First off, thanks to Jen and Ann and Jon for getting this blog up and running. It’s been so nice to not have to make a million phone calls every time something changes.

They’ve done such a good job, in fact, that I’m starting to miss hearing from you. So post away! I get so much comfort, strength and peace from reading your comments. It also gives me something to compulsively check besides Ramona’s oxygen saturation.

Secondly, so many people have offered to do “whatever we need” during this really difficult time. You’re all about to be really sorry you said that. I think a need we have is for someone to keep the night vigil with Ramona. We are very tired emotionally and physically but find it hard to leave Ramona “alone” without someone we know. If this is something you think you can do (it would be maybe 8pm-7am or something like that), please drop me an email. Especially this week, as she is finally somewhat stable, we would love to catch up on sleep so we can gear up for the long battle we hopefully have ahead.

Thanks so much everyone, we feel so loved and cared for…