I’m not much for platitudes, especially ones that rhyme. Bumpers stickers that say “Let go and let God” give me road rage. But I think I may have to relax my cynicism in the area of naming things and claiming them in the name of God.

When Ramona was born we had a list of 4 names picked out: Mary, Elsa, Gwen and Hazel. All of these names jived with our idea of what our girl might look like and be like. We were so shocked at her birth by her dark coloring that we decided none of these names would work. At four days of age with no name and the nurses warning us her birth certificate would say “Baby Girl” we got desperate. Andy brought over cheeseburgers from Charcoal Delights and we got serious. The plan was simple. Write down as many names as we could think of on our own pieces of paper, pass them back and forth like we were negotiating on a used car and eliminate until we were down to one.

That’s how Ramona Mae got her name. When we got home and looked up it’s meaning I wasn’t that pleased, I even had second thoughts about passing on Mary. I was hoping the meaning would be something more feminine or exotic. But now I think I sense the Holy Spirit in her name. Ramona means “wise, protecting hands”. So without knowing it we have equipped Ramona to be protected and to fight. I couldn’t be more grateful to God for protecting her thus far.

God has prepared our family in so many ways for this challenge. We have Simon to brighten our days and remind us of the joy in our home. Andy’s family was already planning to visit us this weekend, giving Andy the blessing of having his wonderful parents, his brothers and their wives with him during this really awful time. I sat down a few weeks ago and made a detailed list of Simon’s schedule, the foods he can eat, even when he needs a diaper change. I don’t even know why I did that. Now I can trust that Simon is well cared for when I’m not around. And perhaps most amazingly, we found out today that we are covered by our medical insurance for all the expenses of Ramona’s treatment. Although she is receiving the highest level of care pediatric medicine has to offer, the deductible and maximum out of pocket we will be responsible for is not going to be a financial burden for us.

So praise God. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be for all of this. And with all the ups and downs of this past year, we’re learning to be flexible. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your posts. Keep ’em coming.

Love, Jane.

Ramona with flower