Andy’s mom (I know a lot of you have met the lovely Sue) always refers to Simon as being chosen, not “adopted”. Simon was chosen by us when we opened our hearts to adoption, chosen by his birth mother when she courageously placed him for adoption and most importantly chosen by God to be our son, our first born, our best boy.

This week was the first time I’ve ever considered the possibility that Andy and I were chosen. That God thought we were worthy to be Simon’s parents and Ramona’s too. That God knew our hearts, knew the privilege and honor we would feel walking with Ramona as she fights for her life. I feel so proud that God picked us for this purpose. I feel scared sometimes at what the future holds, worried that I’ll be too tired, terrified that Ramona won’t make it. But I know that God has also chosen all of you to be a support and comfort to us and I feel so blessed by our community of friends and family (and even some strangers!).

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!” -Ecclesiastes

Thank you so much for helping us up, Jane.