Archive for February, 2007

Babies with Ramona’s condition, Tetralogy of Fallot, are referred to by the nurses and doctors as “tet babies”. As they are removing some of her sedation (the Versed for those of you keeping score at home), she is becoming more aware of her surroundings, has her eyes open more and is just a wiggleworm in general.


First off, thanks to Jen and Ann and Jon for getting this blog up and running. It’s been so nice to not have to make a million phone calls every time something changes.

Ramona had a pretty stable night. Her blood gas was down a bit but nothing serious.
During rounds today the doctors were pleased. They continue to lower her Nitric Oxide level and it is now down to 4 from 20.

The big news is that they turned off the paralytic at 9 am. (more…)

I spoke to Jane and Ramona had a long busy day today. Lots of visitors as more family has come into town and I know it was a busy day for Jane and Andy as well.
As Ann wrote the closure of her surgery site went well and Ramona is holding her own. (more…)

Jane just called from the hospital with good news. The closure of Ramona’s chest was successful and smooth. They didn’t have to give her any extra fluid. They had planned to turn the oxygen setting up a few ticks, which they did. The main concern was that she’d be able to tolerate the extra pressure in her body. She has handled it great and is doing well. (more…)

I’ve just been IMing with Andy, and here are some of the latest updates:

Ramona’s oxygen saturation has been pretty consistently in the 80s today. (The doctors have wanted it to stay above 75.) This is especially good news since it’s stayed pretty high even while they’ve been weaning her off various therapies that were boosting it. The most recent readings were 87 and 88 this evening.

She’s been stable enough that they plan to close up her chest tomorrow (Saturday) morning around 9 or 10:AM.

You can catch up on earlier updates and comments at Boyds’ Nest News, “O Lord, our hope!”