If you are like me and have Ramonamae.com as your home page you get a little antsy when a little time goes by without an update posted. The good news is that Ramona is doing fine. She is sleeping a lot and has a cold that is complicating things for her but otherwise she is doing ok. Jane and Andy howevear are not so fine. They are exhausted beyond belief and currently both have the stomach flu.

Right now Ramona is on a three hour schedule. This means she gets fed every three hours plus getting up for the scheduled meds twice a night. Mostly she stays asleep for the night feedings through her ng tube but each one of them takes 45 minutes. So by the time the feeding is over there is a maximum window of about 2 hours for sleep until the next feeding. Right now they are trying to work out how to get some sleep and spend time with Simon and meet all Ramona’s needs. Jane’s Mom is with them giving them amazing help with Simon who is loving all the one on one attention from his Grandma.

Many of you have asked about visits. You all know Jane and Andy and how they love visits but right now visits are on hold for two reasons. First the doctors have recommended that they keep visitors to the bare minimum and also that they not take Ramona where there are lots of people during flu season. This is to avoid any respiratory infection. If Ramona were to get one, well let’s just say it would be VERY VERY BAD. Secondly the whole family is completely exhausted. Finding time for restorative sleep has to be first on the list right now. They hope that as time goes on this will all get better.

Pleas join me in praying for much needed rest and healing for all of them. They are running the race of their lives and they have no idea what mile they are on.
They are all amazing to me and I pray that God continues to give them what they need with each step to get through each day. Jane, Andy, Simon, and Ramona, may God bless you with Peace, Rest, Healing, Growth, Love, and Quality Family time. We Love You.