There are a few things happening in our house lately which defy explanation. Cue spooky prepared piano music…

An infant with an unrepaired heart defect has been packing it on like she’s Dom Deluise. Where is all that weight coming from? We haven’t increased her intake in a couple of months and yet she grows and grows! Guess who she gets that from? Simon has oodles of unexplained bruises. It looks like he’s been playing prison football. Ramona, who is supposed to be significantly delayed with her motor skills, managed to pull out her NG tube three times in one day.

So we’ve got a lot of curious happenings around here, but one riddle has been solved. We finally got Ramona a consult with the new pediatric surgeon, it will be on June 29th. I’m disappointed that it’s still so far out but am trying to be patient and grateful that she has access to such a high level of care.

Ramona’s got a bit of a cold and was going through some withdrawal. Transalation: projectile vomitting. But we’ve got her back up on her ativan doses and she hasn’t thrown up since, so amen to that.

Andy and I are planning a quick get-away for the last weekend in June. My mom and sister have kindly agreed to mind our brood. Here’s a shot of Simon about to aquire another bruise and one of Ramona showing off her new tummy time skills.

Love, Jane.

